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Class mootcan.HistoryList


public class HistoryList
extends Object
a doubly linked list containing history elements. any object type can be inserted into the history list

Sindre Sørensen

Variable Index

 o current
 o defaultElement
 o earliest
 o latest
 o maxSize
 o size

Constructor Index

 o HistoryList(Object, int)

Method Index

 o appendEmptyItem()
 o getCurrentItem()
 o getNextItem()
 o getPreviousItem()
 o insertItem(Object)
 o removeEarliestItem()
 o replaceCurrentItem(Object)


 o size
 int size
 o maxSize
 int maxSize
 o latest
 HistoryNode latest
 o earliest
 HistoryNode earliest
 o current
 HistoryNode current
 o defaultElement
 Object defaultElement


 o HistoryList
 HistoryList(Object defaultItem,
             int maximumSize)
defaultItem - the (empty, if one wishes) object that will be returned when you have travelled beyond the latest point in history
maximumSize - the maximum size the history list will become before removing the earliest items


 o getCurrentItem
 public Object getCurrentItem()
 o getNextItem
 public Object getNextItem()
 o replaceCurrentItem
 public void replaceCurrentItem(Object o)
 o getPreviousItem
 public Object getPreviousItem()
 o insertItem
 public void insertItem(Object o)
 o appendEmptyItem
 public HistoryNode appendEmptyItem()
 o removeEarliestItem
 void removeEarliestItem()

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